Anavah is an executive coaching and leadership development firm focused on serving first and onlys - historically excluded and often underestimated leaders.

By the firsts we mean first time executives, senior leaders, and managers. By the onlys we mean those who know what it’s like to be the only one like them at the table—those who identify as women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, first-generation and people with visible and invisible disabilities.

We create a space where the door is always open, you always have a seat at the table, and you are embraced for who and what you are.

To occupy your God-given space in the world; to not overestimate yourself or your abilities, but to not underestimate them either

We founded Anavah Leadership because we were tired of seeing two, prevalent, and binary models of leadership—one, who underestimates themself, and the other who quickly inflates their ego for their own benefit, rather than prioritizing their organization or society.

Through our coaching, we hope to foster a more balanced form of leadership, where leaders learn to stop shrinking, start occupying exactly the space they were meant to, and reclaim the work that is theirs (and only theirs) to do.

How we work

Our coaching approach is inspired by the depth of your lived experience and guided by an authentic desire to make a meaningful difference.

We will work with you to re-affirm who you are, clarify what you want and why, and provide you with the tools and support to get there and stay there.


Our clients are from a range of remarkable companies—big, small, and growing.


What Clients Are Saying

Let’s start building.